Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Attributes are the qualities required , when we talk in terms of Food & Beverage service personnel these are the qualities required by a service staff.

1. Professional & Hygienic appearance: As food and beverage staff are front line staff interacting with guest so they are the brand builder. following points should be kept in mind.
.Shower on daily basis.
.Use Deodorants
. Use light aftershave and perfumes.
.Sufficient rest and exercise to keep one healthy to cope up with the pressure and stress of work.
. Hands should be clean with trimmed nails.
Clean and well ironed clothes.
.Females should always tie her hairs either in Bun or tied back with no flicks.
.No nail varnish.
.Females should wear light make up.
Minimum jewelry try not to make it more then 3.
.Shoes must be clean and comfortable for long working hours conditions.
Teeth should be brushed twice.
.Males should be clean shaven & if moustache it should be neatly trimmed.
. Cuts and burns should be covered with the correct dressings.
. Avoid "mannerism" such as running your fingers through your hair, chewing gum etc.

As the food and beverage service personnel acts as a salesman they should have complete knowledge about Menu and wine list , their accompaniments their covers etc. 

Belatedness shows lack of interest in work.

Service staff should have certain knowledge of the local area so that they are able to advice guest in regards to local sightseeing,entertainment avenues their opening closing time, mode of transport available etc
The ability to smile at the right time pays dividends. With these attributes the staff will help the management by becoming good sales people.
A positive approach towards customer, anticipating customers need is of utmost importance in hospitality Industry.
To give personalized service to customer we need to remember their names , likes and dislikes.
Honesty towards customer as well as towards Management is very important.Trust acts as an inspirational factor for the customer & for the good team spirit of staff.
Loyalty towards the Management showing respect.

10.Customer satisfaction
The food and beverage service staff must see that the guests have all they require and are completely satisfied. It is of great importance to anticipate a customer’s needs. If he/she is comfortable in the surroundings then this is because of the warm and friendly atmosphere in the food service area, and the team spirit amongst the waiting staff

The staff should have a pleasant manner, showing courtesy and tact, an even temper and good humour, and never displeasure even though at times things may be difficult. They should never argue with a customer and, if they cannot deal with the situation, it should be referred immediately to a senior member of the team who, because of his/her greater experience, will be able to calm the guest and put right any fault. Remember loss of time in dealing with complaints only makes the situation worse.

12.Sales ability
As has already been mentioned, the staff work in the front of the house – the food service area – and they, to a large extent, reflect the image of the establishment. They are salespeople and must therefore have a complete knowledge of all forms of food and drink and their correct service.

13.Sense of urgency
So that the establishment has the maximum amount of business over the service period with as high a net profit as possible, the staff must develop a sense of urgency.

The staff’s conduct should be impeccable at all times, especially in front of customers. The rules and regulations of an establishment must be followed, and respect shown to all senior members of staff.

The staff must be tactful, courteous, good humored and of an even temper. They must converse with the customer in a pleasing and well spoken manner and the ability to smile at the right time pays dividends. With these attributes the staff will help the management by becoming good sales people.

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