Tuesday, November 20, 2018

All about KOT ( Kitchen order ticket )


KOT is a written document which is given to the kitchen in exchange of any dish or any item picked up from the kitchen.

BOT is a written document similar to the KOT which is given to the bar in exchange of any beverages from the bar.

Importance of K.O.T/B.O.T:
1. Establishes appropriate co-ordination between the kitchen & service personnel.
2. Helps to avoid chaos or confusion at the food pick up counter.
3. It establishes accountability.
4. Facilitates proper control system.
5. Helps to raise a bill for settlement
6. A post analyses will give an exact idea about the high selling and non-selling dishes on a menu card.

Format of a KOT
<Restaurant Name>
Kitchen Order Ticket
No. ……………
Time of Order:

Server Name:
Table No. :
No. of Covers:
Cover No.

Signature of Order Taker

A KOT generally has all these things on it:
Item Why write it down?

A KOT generally has all these things on it:
Why write it down?

1. The time the order is taken
We know how long customers have been waiting for food.

2. Who takes the order
If the kitchen needs to ask a question about the KOT they know who took the order.
3. The table number
We know who ordered the food and who to give each item to.

4. The number of customers at the table
We can compare this to the number of dishes ordered so we can see if there are more people than dishes. We may have missed something.

5. The KOT number
This is a control number. Later we can see  how many tables we did in a service period or refer to a particular KOT.

6. The number of each dish ordered
Helps the kitchen organize its preparation and check meals going out.

7. The description of the dish ordered
Venues have a short way to write each dish so it is quick to write down and easy to read in the kitchen.

8. Any special requests
These must be clearly written so the kitchen knows exactly what the request is.

9. The position number of the customer who ordered a dish
On the right hand side of the KOT. Used by the food and beverage attendant to give each dish to the person who ordered it?

Types of K.O.T

This KOT also is made on the same KOT slip/ KOT pad however on top of the KOT one needs to mention the word “SUIVANT KOT” or “EN SUIT KOT” which means the “following” depicting that one KOT has already been issued for the same table number & the same guests.
This KOT is made when an order is too long to accommodate on one KOT slip and another KOT has to be made. Also when the sweet or coffee is ordered after the main course and a 2nd KOT has to be raised for the same table.

In case when the accompaniment served with the main course or a side dish is not sufficient, and another portion is ordered by the guest for which the guest will not be charged, here a SUPPLIMENT KOT is raised. This KOT also is made on the same KOT slip/ KOT pad however on top of the KOT one needs to mention the word “SUPPLIMENT KOT”. It has to be counter signed by the manager in-charge and the Reference KOT (previous KOT) number has to be mentioned.

3. RETOUR (return) or EN PLACE KOT
In situations when a wrong dish has been already ordered and has to be returned from the table to the kitchen for replacement, this KOT is raised. Also this KOT is raised when a certain dish is returned by the guest because it is spoilt or it’s not up to the mark and the guest has ordered for a new dish or rectification of the same. This KOT also is made on the same KOT slip/ KOT pad however the names of two dishes and in between the word “RETOUR (return) or EN PLACE KOT” is mentioned. 1st the name of the new dish is mentioned and then the name of the dish returned. In case of service being carried out from an a la carte menu the prices have to be mentioned, normally the dish which is priced lesser is charged. It has to be counter signed by the manager in-charge and the Reference KOT (previous KOT) number has to be mentioned.

4. NCKOT ( Non chargeable kitchen order ticket) or HOUSE SLIP
In preparation of many dishes the kitchen makes use of alcoholic beverages like wine, rum, brandy etc. In situations when such dishes are ordered by the guest, the steward has to bring the required amount of alcohol from the bar where this KOT is raised for the BAR other than the normal KOT which is raised for the order given by the guest. This KOT also is made on the same KOT slip/ KOT pad however on top of the KOT one needs to mention the word “NO CHARGE KOT or HOUSE SLIP”. It has to be counter signed by the manager in-charge and the Reference KOT (previous KOT) number has to be mentioned.

This KOT is raised when a complimentary portion of food is to be served either to an upset guest to maintain the goodwill or for business promotion. This KOT also is made on the same KOT slip/ KOT pad however on top of the KOT one needs to mention the word “COMPLIMENTARY KOT”. It has to be counter signed by the manager in-charge and the reason has to be mentioned.

This KOT is raised for the top executives of the hotel or the managers who are authorized or given allowance to dine in the restaurant or order from the restaurant. This KOT also is made on the same KOT slip/ KOT pad however across KOT one needs to mention the word “ADMINISTRATIVE & GENERAL KOT” for identification. It has to be counter signed by the manager in-charge and also by the recipient of the order.Sometime NCKOT can be used instead of General KOT

In situations where there is an accident and the dish gets spoilt or partially damaged this KOT is raised for the same dish (freshly prepared) for the kitchen. This KOT also is made on the same KOT slip/ KOT pad however on top of the KOT one needs to mention the word “ACCIDENT KOT”. It has to be counter signed by the manager in-charge and the reason has to be mentioned. The analysis will be done and the concerned person will be penalized

If all the copies of the KOT get misplaced, a duplicate KOT has to be raised with the same information or order. This KOT also is made on the same KOT slip/ KOT pad however on top of the KOT one needs to mention the word “DUPLICATE KOT”. It has to be counter signed by the manager in-charge and the reference KOT number has to be written.

KOT checking system / Control system

Triplicate KOT system

In a good class establishment there such a system followed for better coordination and control especially in large establishments.

The order from the guest is taken on a KOT pad which is in triplicate copies. The distribution is as follows:
- top copy/ original copy : Kitchen
- middle copy/1st copy : Cashier
- last copy/ 2nd copy/ : Steward
Book copy/ reference copy
After the order is taken by the captain, the top three copies are torn and given to the steward. The steward retains his book copy for reference which he punches it in an appropriate place on the side board and presents the other two copies to the cashier.

The cashier matches the contents of both the copies and then puts a received stamp on top copy/original copy of KOT which he hands over to the steward for the kitchen and retains the middle copy/1st copy with himself which he puts in wooden cabinet which has a slot/ pigeon hole of that specific table number specially designed for the cashier’s cabin.

The steward then hands over the top copy / original stamped copy to the kitchen/ chef. The order is placed and dispensed when food is ready. Till this time the top copy / original stamped copy remains with the chef at the food dispensing counter and after the food is dispensed the KOT is torn half way through, rolled and put into a wooden box which is under a lock and key arrangement. The key here is with the F&B controls. Hence once the KOT is put in the box it cannot be retrieved.

The last copy/ 2nd copy/ Book copy/ reference copy remains in the book itself which is counter checked when food is collected at the food pick up counter from the kitchen.

Once the guest is done with his meal he will ask the steward for the bill. The steward then approaches the cashier who will then retrieve the middle copy/1st copy kot from the wooden cabinet and prepares the bill in duplicate.
The distribution is as follows
- guest copy
- accounts copy
The guest copy is given to the steward for presentation and collection of payment. The accounts copy is then attached to the middle copy/1st copy/cashiers copy of kot and kept back in the wooden cabinet slot for the respective table until the steward returns with the payment.

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